Monday, November 26, 2007

rambling about kids........

I had such a nice day yesterday with my nephew. He's fighting a bad chest cold and couldn't go to daycare while his mom worked. She called me at 8, asking if I could come pick him up. I was too excited to jump in the car and go get him! We took Lindsey to school, and he couldn't stop talking about how big "Lindsey's high school" is. He asked me, "When I grow up, can I go to a big high school like Lindsey's high school?" about twenty seven times. (he's repetitive but OH SO CUTE). Justice has a HUGE vocabulary. He really soaks up everything around him. And, he's quick to point out if you're slippin'! (God's way of keeping us in check) Anyway, we came home and made a spot for him to rest on the sofa. This boy looked at me and almost fell out laughing. "Untee Amy", (that's how he says Auntie), "you know I came over to play." I asked him, "Aren't you sick Justice, don't you want to lie down and read a story?" "Nope. But you could read me a story when I jump!"...and he kicked off his shoes, moved the coffee table and jumped back and forth between our sectional sofa. (we jump on sofas around here...)

His giggles, his questions, his jumping, his kisses and hugs...took me back to the days when Lindsey was little. Now she was amazing, a sight to see. Girls have SO MUCH to say and SO MANY ways to say it all. Lindsey talks with her whole self. She always has. If she's happy, she's twitchy, like she's being tickled. When she's tired, she's lying down WHEREVER we are. If she's mad...DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT. If she's in trouble with us, she's all puppy dog. She's not a fake cryer, but when she cries, your heart may just leap right out of your chest. She's quietly expressive. She doesn't mean to show all her cards, but her sincere spirit gets in her way of hiding what she's thinking or feeling. I like that about her. Her sweetness radiates from her eyes and her smile. She's just discovering her femininity, and learning what power it possesses. Lindsey Belinda Kathleen is growing up...and it's bittersweet.

She's a better person than I EVER was. She really is concerned for the homeless guy on the corner, or the kid who goes home to an empty home. She's always bringing new friends over to eat or hang out. She asks us what we think of her friends, and is open to an honest answer. She's called "nerdy" at school because she's not dating boys or following the crowd. It hurts when she feels ostracized. But she's strong and resilient. She gets down sometimes but knows she'll get back up. She's teaching me a WHOLE LOT about being a woman! And to learn from my 14 year old daughter! My!
Ok, I think I've gone on and one...lots to say when it comes to kids. They make my soul sing. I know, it may sound corny to you, but I'm a cheesy, corny kinda girl...who would rather play with the kids than the "growed-ups"...

Mahalo (for listening to me ramble on and on!)

amy k*

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